Signature verification
The software we deliver bears a digital signature.
This signature allows you to ascertain whether the installed software components really are from PixelPlanet or whether they have been modified after delivery.
Any manipulation, e.g. by hackers, viruses or Trojans, invalidates the digital signature and changes its ‘fingerprint’.
In order to ensure that the software which you download and install is trustworthy and not counterfeit, carry out the verification procedure described below.
How to verify the digital signature
1. Right click on the file to be verified and select ‘Properties’ from the context menu:
2. On the ‘Digital signatures’ tab, you will find the signature list, which contains an entry labelled ‘PixelPlanet’:
3. Select the certificate with the name ‘PixelPlanet’, then click on the ‘Details’ button.
The next window provides you with detailed information about the digital signature used:
4. Click on the ‘View Certificate’ button. In the subsequent window, switch to the ‘Details’ tab and scroll down through the list which appears there, until you reach the entry ‘Thumbprint’:
The ‘Thumbprint‘ field must have the following ‘value’ content:
Latest setups:
Older setups:
3a 76 a0 80 87 a5 bb 18 c8 c4 75 dc 4e 3c 6f a2 b8 49 1c 10
5. In addition, you can also check the value of the field ‘Public key’.
The next window provides you with detailed information about the digital signature used:
Latest setups:
30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 c2 30 92 bb 61 c6 fb 32 08 56 8e ca e3 56 0e eb a5 e7 fd fa c6 10 d0 b2 44 dd db ee 4e 78 2f bd 62 5e 98 ee 4b e3 c8 22 5b 46 02 e8 92 11 49 8a 54 fd 67 87 29 c6 97 57 b9 a8 13 c0 d3 c6 0b 47 0d e0 08 3d 45 11 a6 6e a8 db 0a 6d d7 fd ab 7f 7c 26 a7 d1 db eb b7 db 0c 37 c8 26 15 66 9c 9c 27 c4 20 c7 3e c8 4d 86 31 cb 10 63 1c cd 5a c8 28 94 ca f2 47 75 d7 26 85 ff 8c 7b e5 45 e4 4d 72 c4 03 c0 39 05 1c f0 f1 62 34 a6 1b 61 35 fc 0a 00 eb 34 92 2b 72 19 c2 dc f9 c7 a6 f5 d2 a4 ed 55 92 07 fa 5d 8c 0d ac 99 cd 59 2b 7c 64 7e 77 37 9b 24 b4 f4 35 da e8 ef e5 bf 05 f5 3c de 25 05 30 6e 91 ef 0a bd 27 6f 3b 1b 0c 24 8e 1e 5f 48 94 1c a1 09 17 e0 d2 7b 70 96 73 89 03 b7 10 f5 29 45 cb cc bb d3 6c 77 a5 b4 15 c2 c1 a8 4e f7 6b 2c df 9e 71 6d ec 92 82 0d 31 c2 5e c9 02 03 01 00 01
Older setups:
30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 d3 52 5c f5 b1 18 d8 a1 b9 5d c1 a5 d2 61 2f 00 bc ed 77 bb 6d 76 91 7b 80 2a 2b 3c a1 1b 87 b7 40 f6 c2 e2 5b f8 ba 01 31 8b d3 bf f7 7b 0e 85 2b a3 e1 92 a9 7c 34 a5 09 21 4c 8b b6 ef a0 a4 8d f9 fc a0 f4 6d fd 66 16 bc b3 35 39 c3 51 43 10 9d db 86 34 85 4f 30 9c 79 12 41 29 71 75 ec 89 62 d2 7c 37 55 f5 f7 13 20 d8 13 70 31 0f a6 88 0e 03 ab 10 a3 2f d1 d1 b3 d5 6b 91 cf cc f4 5f 4c 6d 5c 2c 1a 83 c5 70 89 a5 b1 7c 1b fd d1 56 69 6e ad 21 40 a0 32 14 ca 8d 41 52 0f 05 3f 37 ea 0c c8 7d 61 a2 a7 64 7a da 09 c8 cd a3 b2 c9 61 61 f6 77 d1 21 6c 4d 57 ce 34 d1 78 90 c7 6d 9d c7 6f a4 bd 78 e6 7e a2 09 99 5c c4 7d fb ec c0 2a 21 cb 5b 26 34 a9 a9 47 5b 2f 9a c2 cf 5e b2 a0 61 1e 42 13 dd 64 e8 0e ae cb 53 8d 9b 75 37 dc a0 5d 25 28 03 fc ac 82 61 5f ad b1 ef 02 03 01 00 01
The digital signature is valid until: Monday, 07. December 2020 13:00:00
If you notice discrepancies when checking the aforementioned values, please contact your system administrator or our support team without delay.